Monday, October 30, 2006

Your Relationships

Your relationships are usually an untapped area of upside leverage. Think about the various personal and professional relationships that you have. How are you currently leveraging them?

Could you bring together fellow fitness professionals and start your own mastermind group?

Could you assemble a group of trainers to put together a product - like I did with Fitness Riches?

Could you find a mentor through a current relationship?

Could you form a strategic alliance or joint venture with a local business person that markets to the same type of person that you do?

Could you get affiliates for your online sales?

Could you start your own "(Your Town)'s Best Businesses Group that not only referred to one another but also acted as something of a mastermind group?

Could you ask your clients or friends or family members (or anyone that you have a relationship with) for referrals?

Could you educate those same people for what you'd look for in an employee and have them refer prospective employees as well?

Could you gain knowledge or wisdom from anyone you have a relationship with? Could you present your current challenges to them and ask them how they succeeded under similar circumstances? Could you ask your clients - active and inactive - what you could do better? Could you borrow successful processes from anyone you know?

The potential upside of your current relationships is virtually endless. Don't miss out on the opportunities all around you.