Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Are You Ready For Change?

Change is the only thing in life that you can count on other than death and taxes.

If you fight it, change will be your greatest enemy. If you embrace it and anticipate it, change will be your biggest ally. Nothing is more apparent than the effect of change on businesses - look around - you'll quickly see what happens to businesses that fail to keep up with change.

Businesses go out of business every day because they fail to keep up with change. If you simply view things as they appear - instead of staying aware of trends and anticipating what's on the horizon - you soon be left in the wake of the businesses that knew change was imminent and acted on it.

I graduated high school in 1990 - not such a long time ago (some of you won't agree...But I'm sticking to it) For those of you who weren't toddlers - how many people did you know in 1990 who used cell phones? How many regularly used e-mail? How about a CD player? Today in 2006 - have you tried to buy a audio tape (not to even mention a vinyl record) lately? Half of you probably don't even have home phones. Do you go into the bank to get cash - or do you go to the ATM?

It is said that the amount of information being published and becoming available is doubling every five years is more information today in one issue of a newspaper that the average person in the nineteenth century would have been exposed to in a lifetime.

Your prospects today are more educated and have more choices than ever before. They are more demanding, more knowledgeable, more price-conscious, and far less loyal. Because change affects a prospect just like it affects you, they're more uncertain, skeptical, and aware that they're at risk if they make mistakes.

Things change much faster than we imagine. And with that change comes threats, as well as opportunities to build your business. If you aren't keeping up with change, and your business isn't built to adapt to it, change will destroy it.

Are you ready?