The Wizard Of Oz and Elvis
Think about it...This may be the greatest self-promotion job in history. Professor Marvel arrives in Oz accidental by way of a hot air balloon and through self-promotion he becomes The Great and Powerful Oz. At a point late in the movie he tells Dorothy and the other to "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." But in reality that's where the magic is.
The Wizard is simply the result of the activities behind the curtain...Otherwise there's nothing but a chubby guy who got lost in a balloon. But this isn't all that uncommon if you think about it.
Did you know that Elvis and his promoter colonial Parker never had more than a handshake agreement yet Elvis paid the colonial 50% of his earnings for virtually his entire career. See, Elvis recognized something that most people either don't understand or are unwilling to acknowledge...There are plenty of people with talent. The magic is in getting the public to pay you for your talent. P.T. Barnum made a fortune promoting others talents. And every time those performers would think they didn't need the great promoter and go off on their own they would quickly discover that same thing Elvis inherently knew - without effective promotion and publicity they were just like everyone else with talent alone - broke.
How's this relate to you? Simple. Are you a talented fitness professional? Have you studied anything you could get your hands on that might help improve your clients' results? Can you help someone improve their body composition or hit a 90 MPH fastball better than most anyone else in the world? Well if the answer is yes, what is preventing you from earning $100,000, $250,000 or even $500,000 a year in the fitness industry?
My guess is that if you're truly a great trainer and aren't making a sizable income - it's because you don't have "the man behind the curtain" or are unwilling to be the man behind the curtain. Don't expect the world to beat a path to your door. If you're great let everyone know about it.
Here's my disclaimer: If you're a shitty trainer - go study the great ones and improve your technical skills and knowledge - then come back and re-read this post. The internet has become polluted with a bunch of "pseudo-experts" in every field that can tell you how to do anything and everything but have never done it themselves. Keep your integrity and do what it takes to become great...Then let everyone know.
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