Would you like to be wealthy?
Working 50 hours a week, if you want to make $100,000 a year, your ‘work hours’ need to be worth $40.
To earn $150,000, they need to be worth $60.
To earn $200,000, they need to be worth $80.
That’s not your per session rate – that’s what every working hour must yield. So, perhaps now is the time to start delegating some of that $7.00 / hr. work, huh?
On a related note, here are the top 20 millionaire’s success factors according to the book The Millionaire Mind, by Thomas Stanley, Ph.D.
Millionaire’s Success Factors
Being honest with all people
Being well disciplined
Getting along with people
Having a supportive spouse
Working harder than most people
Loving your career / business
Having strong leadership qualities
Having a very competitive personality
Being very well organized
Having an ability to sell
Making wise investments
Seeing opportunities others do not see
Being your own boss
Willing to take financial risks given the right return
Having good mentors
Having the urge to be well respected
Investing in your own business
Finding a profitable niche
Having extraordinary energy
Being physically fit
Look that list over and see what areas you consider yourself strong in and what areas need the most improvement. I certainly am.
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