Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Don't Focus on Money

If you are in the pursuit of money for money's sake - and that is your main focus - no matter how hard you work it will elude you. Money is simple a currency for trading value or benefits. The sooner you take your focus off money and place it on delivering a better service, a more valuable product, a desired result or a tremendous benefit to the market - the sooner you'll start making real money.

The amount of money you'll make will vary according to the uniqueness of your product, the greatness of your service and the size or demand of your market...but the concept remains the same. Delivering greater value = reaping greater profits.

You can't focus on your clients or customers if you're focusing on the money.

Money is the by-product of delivering value to them.

If you deliver extraordinary value - people will pay significant amounts for the privilege of using your service or product.

Help others get what they want. In turn, you'll get what you want.