Sunday, December 31, 2006

Are You Ready For 2007?

Are you ready to make 2007 your best year ever?

Are you ready to help more people change their lives than in any year past?

Are you ready to grow your business to new heights?

Are you ready to share new experiences with your family?

Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and make a reality of the things that you only dreamed about in the past?

Are you ready to 'walk the walk' instead of 'talk the talk'?

Yep - it's that time. Whether you believe in New Year's Resolutions or not - we're at the point in the year when people 'promise' themselves - and often others - that they are going to make changes in their patterns of action.

I'm all for it.

Maybe 3% of people actually do anything. Oh well. That's 3% that reached their 'tipping point' and took action to achieve their goals. Better 3% than 0%.

See - my perspective is that most motivation is temporary anyhow. As a fitness professional, hopefully I can help someone achieve some positive results and capitalize on the New Year's momentum to turn that into long term behavioral change. As a business coach it's the same. Getting a fitness professional to step out of their comfort zone is tough. Maybe that New Year's resolution will be enough to get them to step out and try a new approach. If I can show them some results, they're open to continuing to grow.

So I hope you do set some goals for the New Year. But more importantly - I hope you take action and perservere until you achieve them. My good friend Dax Moy wrote a great report to help you along, you can get a copy here:

If you want an extraordinary example of people committed to making 2007 their best year ever, Jason Brown and Pam MacElree of Crossfit Philly ( talked to Nick and I during the first week of December about their desire to grow their business. Instead of doing what most people do - talk about it, dream about it and do nothing about it - they asked us how quickly we could fit them in for a visit to Kentucky for a 'Complete Business Makeover.' We gave them a set of dates and they they bought their tickets immediately. While everyone else relaxed during the week between Christmas and New Years - Pam and Jason hopped a plane and came to FCG headquarters for 2 1/2 days of intensive work on their business. While everyone else was getting ready for their New Year's Eve celebration - Pam and Jason were flying home this afternoon ready to double their income in 2007.

What's truly great about this is that Pam and Jason are already in the top 1% of fitness professionals. This isn't just my biased opinion - I saw exactly what they earn and know their business. But as successful as they are - they want more.

And they'll get it.

Will you?

I hope so - and I hope I can help.

Happy New Year!