Wednesday, November 22, 2006

An Interview With Dax Moy

Here is an interview that I did with Dax Moy that ran in the most recent edition of our newsletter. For those of you who don't know Dax or don't know much about Dax - he is one of the most accomplished and successful fitness professionals in the world today. He'll talk a little bit about what he's achieved during the interview - but he's very modest so I'll tell you this: If there was someone in this industry that I'd want to follow in the footsteps of - it would be Dax.

What I didn'tknow until recently was that Dax followed a specific goalachievement program to achieve his vast array of successes - The Magic 100. He has let his clients in on this extraordinary program with great results - and recently made it available to the public. I wanted Dax to be able to tell you more about this life-changing program - so here's what we discussed:

1. Dax, can you briefly tell me what The Magic Hundred is?

The MAGIC Hundred is quite simply a system of action steps that allow a person to go through the entire process of goal creation in a logical, systematic and results-oriented fashion which, if followed, will create success 'hits' day in, day out for 100 days. It is quite unlike anything else on the personal success 'circuit' at the moment in that rather than focusing only on positive thoughts, it asks you to commit to positive actions daily until they become habituated. It is this combination of thought, word AND action that allows those utilising the MAGIC Hundred program to achieve amazing, almost impossible things in so short a space of time. Through the book, the 2 audios and the 100 daily emails, the program keeps you focused on your goals (thoughts become things), helps you to maintain a positive attitude toward their achievement (Your attitude determines your altitude) and holds you accountable to yourself through a series of questions that need to be answered every day. The result is, I believe, one of the first systems that guide you, motivate you and support you for the entire journey that you've embarked upon. In this case, 100 days.

2. How has implelmenting the Magic Hundred in your life paid off?

The MAGIC Hundred has changed my life completely! When I first created the system and told my colleagues about it they told me I was nuts. They said that I had set myself goals that were unrealistic, out of my reach and sure to end in failure. One hundred days later I owned my first studio, the car of my (then) dreams, had nearly tripled my income, was published in national press, presented my first seminar and so many other things that I can't even remember now. In short, 100 days after writing my 'impossible' list, I had achieved 86 of those things and in doing so had changed my life forever. The MAGIC Hundred has since helped me appear on every TV channel in the UK, hundreds of publications worldwide, open 3 studios, travel the world and stay in luxurious and exotic locations, live in the outback in Australia with my family for 1 month, freefall onto the Great Barrier Reef with my 15 year old daughter, fly aeroplanes, helicopters and, I know this will sound corny but it's true, live the life of my dreams. And I don't mean that in some vague way. I mean, I literally dreamed of these things happening, I wrote about them, I visualised them, I spoke about them to anyone who would listen and... well... I now live them!

3. I understand that you use this program with your studios' clients. Can you briefly explain the premise behind that?

The 'danger' time for failing at ones goals is within the first 6 weeks or so of commencing a new behaviour. For example, when clients start with a trainer they're being asked to change how they eat, how they drink, how they move, how they sleep etc. The trouble is, all of these things are habituated behaviours. They are governed by the subconscious mind and as such, are passed into the autonomic (automatic) centers of the central nervous system where the programs related to these events and activities are run automatically. Great for freeing up mental energy but awful if those behaviours are opposed to the desired outcome. The MAGIC Hundred short circuits this programming by asking for conscious thought about many areas of life related to your goals and enables a new program to be written. One that is more conducive to the stated goals. This isn't just idle speculation. I have seen this truth hundreds, if not thousands of times with people who had tried and failed to stick to their nutrition or exercise plans or other lifestyle changes who after 100 days are not only committed to their results but self-programmed into them too.

4. What can a fitness professional expect by utilizing the Magic Hundred program?

Well, the results will be two-fold. First, any fitness professional utilising the program will see an increase in productivity, income and purpose as they find a way to re-kindle their passions for life again. If this sounds a little over the top, it's not. Abraham Lincoln once said "You can't help the poor by becoming one yourself" and not only do I agree with him, but I expand this poverty and wealth consciousness to all areas of life. Many trainers are lacking any real motivation in their own lives due to long hours, low pay and goals that they really don't believe will come true for them. How then can they with an honest heart, charge money from others for providing 'motivation' and setting goals with their clients. I know that with The MAGIC Hundred, FITPRO's will rekindle that passion again. Next, they will find that their clients will achieve more. Not just more, but faster too. They will be more driven, more focused and more intent on success than probably any other time in their lives because they will have a time scale that adds urgency to their goals and keeps them on track. Sure, people will be a little dubious at first, maybe downright sceptical but within DAYS of starting the program they will see evidence that will convince them to stick with their nutrition and exercise plans and strive for greater results in all areas of their lives. This will make the work of all fitpro's so much easier because rather than fighting a battle of wits and guile with their clients as they try to bring about adherence, they'll be co-conspirators in their success strategy.

Pat here again...pretty amazing, huh?

Well, let me tell you that I've recently started on my own Magic 100 journey and it's already been incredible. I have no doubt that Dax's program is going to play a big role in 2007 being my best year ever. If you want to learn moreabout how the Magic 100 can improve your business and your life, go to:

As you can see - this is not an affiliate link. Dax's program is already having a profound impact on my life and I have no doubt that it will do the same for you and your clients. I have nothing to gain financially from this - honestly, I just want you to be able to enjoy the same results from this that Dax already has (and continues to) and that I'm beginning to enjoy. So, as Imentioned before, you can learn more at:

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!